Title I
Title I Services
Schools qualify for Title I funding through the Federal Government based on the school's percentage of students who are economically disadvantaged. Title I services are provided at Howard Elementary School and Lineville Intermediate School. In these schools, Title I Reading Specialists provide intervention services for students who are struggling with the reading process. Students are selected to receive Title I services through the review of student reading assessment data and a prioritization of student needs within an early intervention model.
Ways to Help Your Child Read at Home
Setting The Atmosphere
- Help your child find a quiet, comfortable place to read.
- Have your child see you as a reading model.
- Read aloud to your child. Reread favorite stories.
- Read with your child.
- Discuss the stories you read together.
- Recognize the value of silent reading.
- Keep reading time enjoyable and relaxed.
Responding to Miscues in Reading
To produce independent readers who monitor and correct themselves as they read, the following prompts are recommended before saying, sound it out.
- Give your child wait time of 5 to 10 seconds. See what he attempts to do to help himself.
- "What would make sense there?"
- "What do you think that word could be?"
- "Use the picture to help you figure out what it could be."
- "Go back to the beginning and try that again."
- "Skip over it and read to the end of the sentence. Now what do you think it is?"
- "Put in a word that would make sense there."
- "You read the word before on another page. See if you can find it."
- "Look at how that word begins. Start it out and keep reading."
- Tell your child the word.
The National Education Association's Tips for Parents
- Start early. Read books with your child every day - even babies. And remember, kids love rhyme and repetition.
- Talk with your child a lot. There's no better way to teach new words and ideas.
- Teach about the printed word when you are reading. Move your finger from word to word. Point out that sentences start on the left and go to the right. Show children the period at the end of sentences.
- Teach comprehension skills. When you read, talk about what's happening. As children get older, ask them to predict what is going to happen next. At the end, ask them if they liked the story, and why.
- Surround your child with things to read. Have books, magazines and writing materials in your home. Use alphabet magnets to create words. Let children see that reading is an important part of your life, too.